Real Name : Phillip Jack Brooks

Ring Name : CM PUNK

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 218 lbs.

From: Chicago, Ill.

Signature Move: G.T.S. (Go to Sleep); Anaconda Vise
Career Highlights: WWE Champion; World Heavyweight Champion; ECW Champion; World Tag Team Champion; Intercontinental Champion; Raw commentator

 It’s not surprising that CM Punk cites the radical “Rowdy” Roddy Piper as a childhood influence. After all, Punk is the embodiment of the anti-establishment, the modern-day “Voice of the Voiceless,” whose skill at igniting verbal “pipe bombs” is rivaled only by Hot Rod himself.

Punk even looks the part of rebel with his too-numerous-to-count tattoos and body piercings. Yet, he waxes way more philosophical than his exterior might suggest, and has shown a diverse set of interests that include ghost hunting, G. I. Joe and the “Straight Edge” movement, a subculture that rejects the use of drugs, alcohol and a dependency lifestyle. Punk’s only bad habit: his addiction to competition.

His in-ring repertoire is an assimilation of fighting styles, all of which were put on full display during his debut in The Land of the Extreme in 2006. Since then, Punk has added many accomplishments to his considerable résumé, including the ECW, WWE, World Heavyweight, World Tag Team and Intercontinental Championships.

Today, Punk is headlining pay-per-views—and he’s doing so in spite of the events of 2011, when he assailed Mr. McMahon with his blunt opinions about the business and made a bold promise not to renew his contract with the company. Punk’s criticism struck a nerve with The Chairman who, against his better judgment, granted The Second City Saint a WWE Championship Match at WWE Money in the Bank in the Superstar’s native city, Chicago. Punk not only beat John Cena to win that match, he absconded with the WWE Championship as the seconds on his WWE contract ticked down.

Fortunately for WWE fans everywhere, Punk agreed to re-sign with WWE weeks later, compelled to return to the ring to prove that he’s the undisputed “Best in the World.” The Voice of the Voiceless continues to advocate on behalf of disenchanted WWE fans everywhere, who feel the WWE product is in need of a good (roundhouse) kick in the teeth.

A two-time WWE Champion, The Second City Saint proved he was "The Best in the World" by defeating Chris Jericho at WrestleMania XXVIII. Following The Show of Shows, Daniel Bryan, a Superstar who also has a storied history on the independent circuit like Punk, set his sights on the WWE Title. Punk successfully defended the title against Bryan in matches at three consecutive pay-per-view events, even dealing with the unpredictable variable of Bryan's ex AJ.

At Raw's historic 1,000th episode, CM Punk retained the WWE Championship against John Cena, but refused to save his opponent from an attack by Big Show. Instead, The Rock ran to ringside to save Cena, with the champion slowly retreating to the backstage area. But as soon as The Great One was about to deliver a colossal People's Elbow to a fallen Show, Punk returned and nailed The Brahma Bull with a clothesline and GTS.

One week later, the WWE Champion interfered in a No. 1 Contender's Match between Big Show and John Cena, seemingly preventing either Superstar from challenging for the title. Punk called both competitors "losers" before leaving the ring. But Raw's new General Manager AJ Lee saw things differently and made a Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship between The Straight Edge Superstar, Cena and Big Show at SummerSlam.

Has the once Voice of the Voiceless become the voice of only himself? Or is he simply just looking for the proper respect that should come with being the WWE Champion?